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Usability of deep learning pipelines for 3D nuclei identification with Stardist and Cellpose.






Segmentation of 3D images to identify cells and their molecular outputs can be difficult and tedious. Machine learning algorithms provide a promising alternative to manual analysis as emerging 3D image processing technology can save considerable time. For those unfamiliar with machine learning or 3D image analysis, the rapid advancement of the field can make navigating the newest software options confusing. In this paper, two open-source machine learning algorithms, Cellpose and Stardist, are compared in their application on a 3D light sheet dataset counting fluorescently stained proliferative cell nuclei. The effects of image tiling and background subtraction are shown through image analysis pipelines for both algorithms. Based on our analysis, the relative ease of use of Cellpose and the absence of need to train a model leaves it a strong option for 3D cell segmentation despite relatively longer processing times. When Cellpose’s pretrained model yields results that are not of sufficient quality, or the analysis of a large dataset is required, Stardist may be more appropriate. Despite the time it takes to train the model, Stardist can create a model specialized to the users’ dataset that can be iteratively improved until predictions are satisfactory with far lower processing time relative to other methods.Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier B.V.

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