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The MULTICOM Protein Structure Prediction Server Empowered by Deep Learning and Contact Distance Prediction.






Prediction of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of a protein from its sequence is important for studying its biological function. With the advancement in deep learning contact distance prediction and residue-residue coevolutionary analysis, significant progress has been made in both template-based and template-free protein structure prediction in the last several years. Here, we provide a practical guide for our latest MULTICOM protein structure prediction system built on top of the latest advances, which was rigorously tested in the 2018 CASP13 experiment. Its specific functionalities include: (1) prediction of 1D structural features (secondary structure, solvent accessibility, disordered regions) and 2D interresidue contacts; (2) domain boundary prediction; (3) template-based (or homology) 3D structure modeling; (4) contact distance-driven ab initio 3D structure modeling; and (5) large-scale protein quality assessment enhanced by deep learning and predicted contacts. The MULTICOM web server ( http://sysbio.rnet.missouri.edu/multicom_cluster/ ) presents all the 1D, 2D, and 3D prediction results and quality assessment to users via user-friendly web interfaces and e-mails. The source code of the MULTICOM package is also available at https://github.com/multicom-toolbox/multicom .

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