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MuCoCP: A priori chemical knowledge-based multimodal contrastive learning pre-trained neural network for the prediction of cyclic peptide membrane penetration ability.






There has been a burgeoning interest in cyclic peptide therapeutics due to their various outstanding advantages and strong potential for drug formation. However, it is undoubtedly costly and inefficient to use traditional wet lab methods to clarify their biological activities. Using Artificial Intelligence instead is a more energy-efficient and faster approach. MuCoCP aims to build a complete pre-trained model for extracting potential features of cyclic peptides, which can be fine-tuned to accurately predict cyclic peptide bioactivity on various downstream tasks. To maximize its effectiveness, we use a novel data augmentation method based on a priori chemical knowledge and multiple unsupervised training objective functions to greatly improve the information-grabbing ability of the model.To assay the efficacy of the model, we conducted validation on the membrane-permeability of cyclic peptides which achieved an accuracy of 0.87 and R-squared of 0.503 on CycPeptMPDB using semi-supervised training and obtained an accuracy of 0.84 and R-squared of 0.384 using a model with frozen parameters on an external dataset. This result has achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA), which substantiates the stability and generalization capability of MuCoCP. It means that MuCoCP can fully explore the high-dimensional information of cyclic peptides and make accurate predictions on downstream bioactivity tasks, which will serve as a guide for the future de novo design of cyclic peptide drugs and promote the development of cyclic peptide drugs.All code used in our proposed method can be found at https://github.com/lennonyu11234/MuCoCP.Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics.Published by Oxford University Press 2024.

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