
MRI-based treatment planning for proton radiotherapy: dosimetric validation of a deep learning-based liver synthetic CT generation method.






Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been widely used in combination with computed tomography (CT) radiation therapy because MRI improves the accuracy and reliability of target delineation due to its superior soft tissue contrast over CT. The MRI-only treatment process is currently an active field of research since it could eliminate systematic MR-CT co-registration errors, reduce medical cost, avoid diagnostic radiation exposure, and simplify clinical workflow. The purpose of this work is to validate the application of a deep learning-based method for abdominal synthetic CT (sCT) generation by image evaluation and dosimetric assessment in a commercial proton pencil beam treatment planning system (TPS). This study proposes to integrate dense block into a 3D cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks (cycle GAN) framework in an effort to effectively learn the nonlinear mapping between MRI and CT pairs. A cohort of 21 patients with co-registered CT and MR pairs were used to test the deep learning-based sCT generation method by leave-one-out cross validation. The CT image quality, dosimetric accuracy and the distal range fidelity were rigorously checked, using side-by-side comparison against the corresponding original CT images. The average mean absolute error (MAE) was 72.87±18.16 HU. The relative differences of the statistics of the PTV dose volume histogram (DVH) metrics between sCT and CT were generally less than 1%. Mean 3D gamma analysis passing rate of 1mm/1%, 2mm/2%, 3mm/3% criteria with 10% dose threshold were 90.76±5.94%, 96.98±2.93% and 99.37±0.99%, respectively. The median, mean and standard deviation of absolute maximum range differences were 0.170 cm, 0.186 cm and 0.155 cm. The image similarity, dosimetric and distal range agreement between sCT and original CT suggests the feasibility of further development of an MRI-only workflow for liver proton radiotherapy.
© 2019 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

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