
Machine learning and deep learning based on the small FT-MIR dataset for fine-grained sampling site recognition of boletus tomentipes.






This study proposed the necessity of identifying the sampling sites for Boletus tomentipes (B.tomentipes) in combination with cadmium content and environmental factors. Based on fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) preprocessing by 1st, 2nd, MSC, SNV and SG, five machine learning (ML) algorithms (NB, DT, KNN, RF, SVM) and three Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) algorithms (XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost) were built. To avoid complex preprocessing, we construct BoletusResnet model, propose the concepts of 3DCOS, 3DCOS projected images, index images in addition to 2DCOS, and combine them with deep learning (DL) for classification for the first time. It shows that GBM has higher accuracy than ML and DL has better accuracy than GBM. The four DL models presented in this paper achieve fine-grained sampling sites recognition based on small samples with 100 % accuracy, and a computer application system was developed on them. Therefore, spectral image processing combined with DL is a rapid and efficient classification method which can be widely used in food identification.Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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