Lightweight convolution transformer for cross-patient seizure detection in multi-channel EEG signals.






Epilepsy is a neurological illness affecting the brain that makes people more likely to experience frequent, spontaneous seizures. There has to be an accurate automated method for measuring seizures frequency and severity to assess the efficacy of pharmacological therapy for epilepsy. The drug quantities are often derived from patient reports which may cause significant issues owing to inadequate or inaccurate descriptions of seizures and their frequencies.This study proposes a novel deep learning architecture-based Lightweight Convolution Transformer (LCT). The Transformer model is able to learn spatial and temporal correlated information simultaneously from the multi-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) signal to detect seizures at smaller segment lengths. In the proposed work, the lack of translation equivariance and localization of ViT is reduced using convolution tokenization, and rich information from the Transformer encoder is extracted by sequence pooling instead of the learnable class token.Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model on cross-patient learning can effectively detect seizures from the raw EEG signals. The accuracy and F1-score of seizure detection in the cross-patient case on the CHB-MIT dataset are 96.31% and 96.32%, respectively, at 0.5 sec segment length. In addition, the performance metrics show that the inclusion of inductive biases and attention-based pooling in the model enhances the performance and reduces the number of Transformer encoder layers, which significantly reduces the computational complexity. In this research, we provide a novel approach to enhance efficiency and simplify the architecture for multi-channel automated seizure detection.Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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