
Folding-upon-binding pathways of an intrinsically disordered protein from a deep Markov state model.






A central challenge in the study of intrinsically disordered proteins is the characterization of the mechanisms by which they bind their physiological interaction partners. Here, we utilize a deep learning based Markov state modeling approach to characterize the folding-upon-binding pathways observed in a long-time scale molecular dynamics simulation of a disordered region of the measles virus nucleoprotein N TAIL reversibly binding the X domain of the measles virus phosphoprotein complex. We find that folding-upon-binding predominantly occurs via two distinct encounter complexes that are differentiated by the binding orientation, helical content, and conformational heterogeneity of N TAIL . We do not, however, find evidence for the existence of canonical conformational selection or induced fit binding pathways. We observe four kinetically separated native-like bound states that interconvert on time scales of eighty to five hundred nanoseconds. These bound states share a core set of native intermolecular contacts and stable N TAIL helices and are differentiated by a sequential formation of native and non-native contacts and additional helical turns. Our analyses provide an atomic resolution structural description of intermediate states in a folding-upon-binding pathway and elucidate the nature of the kinetic barriers between metastable states in a dynamic and heterogenous, or “fuzzy”, protein complex.

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