Dual-TranSpeckle: Dual-pathway transformer based encoder-decoder network for medical ultrasound image despeckling.






The majority of existing deep learning-based image denoising algorithms mainly focus on processing the overall image features, ignoring the fine differences between the semantic and pixel features. Hence, we propose Dual-TranSpeckle (DTS), a medical ultrasound image despeckling network built on a dual-path Transformer. The DTS introduces two different paths, named “semantic path” and “pixel path,” to facilitate the parallel transfer of feature information within the image. The semantic path passes a global view of the input semantic features, and the image features are passed through a Semantic Block to extract global semantic information from pixel-level features. The pixel path is employed to transmit finer-grained pixel features. Within the dual-path network framework, two essential modules, namely Dual Block and Merge Block, are designed. These leverage the Transformer architecture during the encoding and decoding stages. The Dual Block module facilitates information interaction between the semantic and pixel features by considering the interdependencies across both paths. Meanwhile, the Merge Block module enables parallel transfer of feature information by merging the dual path features, thereby facilitating the self-attention calculations for the overall feature representation. Our DTS is extensively evaluated on two public datasets and one private dataset. The DTS network demonstrates significant enhancements in quantitative evaluation results in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity (SSIM), feature similarity (FSIM), and naturalness image quality evaluator (NIQE). Furthermore, our qualitative analysis confirms that the DTS has significant improvements in despeckling performance, effectively suppressing speckle noise while preserving essential image structures.Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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