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Construction of a Hybrid Teaching Model System Based on Promoting Deep Learning.






The rapid development of computer network technology in today’s society has also brought new opportunities for the transformation of the teaching management mode of colleges and universities. Nowadays, most colleges and universities are gradually improving the construction of campus informatization projects, further integrating school teaching resources, centralizing the work related to the work process, and carrying out platform management to improve the daily work efficiency of various departments of the school, which is also prominent from the user experience. Humanized management out of school. This paper designs and develops a set of online teaching management system suitable for colleges and universities, realizes the informatization of college teaching management, and solves the traditional teaching methods, such as the inability of offline correspondence students to take classes in time and the limited teaching venues. Through comparison and analysis, in order to ensure that the system has better portability, this article will mainly adopt the MVC architecture model to develop and design the entire school hybrid teaching management system. The MVC architecture model is mainly developed based on the abstract design model. Strong reusability, combined with the system architecture, the main choice for database selection is development based on Oracle database technology. In the specific development process, the detailed business requirements and functional requirements of the entire school online teaching management system will be analyzed in detail. Based on this, by adopting an object-oriented approach, the system management included in the school’s hybrid teaching management system will be further analyzed. Detailed analysis and design of the specific functional structure, work flow, work sequence diagram and class diagram of the online learning management and article management functional modules, and finally complete the implementation and testing of the various functional modules of the system.Copyright © 2022 Yingjie Sun et al.

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