
Computer-aided classification of prostate cancer grade groups from MRI images using texture features and stacked sparse autoencoder.






A novel method to determine the Grade Group (GG) in prostate cancer (PCa) using multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) biomarkers is investigated in this paper. In this method, high-level features are extracted from hand-crafted texture features using a deep network of stacked sparse autoencoders (SSAE) and classified them using a softmax classifier (SMC). Transaxial T2 Weighted (T2W), Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) and high B-Value Diffusion-Weighted (BVAL) images obtained from PROSTATEx-2 2017 challenge dataset are used in this technique. The method was evaluated on the challenge dataset composed of a training set of 112 lesions and a test set of 70 lesions. It achieved a quadratic-weighted Kappa score of 0.2772 on evaluation using test dataset of the challenge. It also reached a Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 80% in predicting PCa with GG > 1. The method achieved first place in the challenge, winning over 43 methods submitted by 21 groups. A 3-fold cross-validation using training data of the challenge was further performed and the method achieved a quadratic-weighted kappa score of 0.2326 and Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 80.26% in predicting PCa with GG > 1. Even though the training dataset is a highly imbalanced one, the method was able to achieve a fair kappa score. Being one of the pioneer methods which attempted to classify prostate cancer into 5 grade groups from MRI images, it could serve as a base method for further investigations and improvements.
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