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CnnPOGTP: a novel CNN-based predictor for identifying the optimal growth temperatures of prokaryotes using only genomic k-mers distribution.






Temperature is very important for the growth of microorganisms. Appropriate temperature conditions can improve the possibility for isolation of currently uncultured microorganisms. The development of metagenomic binning technology had dramatically increased the availability of genomic information of prokaryotes, providing convenience to infer the optimal growth temperature (OGT). Here, we proposed CnnPOGTP, a predictor for optimal growth temperatures of prokaryotes based on deep learning method using only k-mers distribution derived from genomic sequence. This method was annotation free, and the predicted OGT could be obtained by simply providing the genome sequence to the CnnPOGTP website.http://www.orgene.net/CnnPOGTP.© The Author(s) (2022). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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