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Chronic Wound Image Augmentation and Assessment Using Semi-Supervised Progressive Multi-Granularity EfficientNet.






Goal: Augment a small, imbalanced, wound dataset by using semi-supervised learning with a secondary dataset. Then utilize the augmented wound dataset for deep learning-based wound assessment. Methods: The clinically-validated Photographic Wound Assessment Tool (PWAT) scores eight wound attributes: Size, Depth, Necrotic Tissue Type, Necrotic Tissue Amount, Granulation Tissue type, Granulation Tissue Amount, Edges, Periulcer Skin Viability to comprehensively assess chronic wound images. A small corpus of 1639 wound images labeled with ground truth PWAT scores was used as reference. A Semi-Supervised learning and Progressive Multi-Granularity training mechanism were used to leverage a secondary corpus of 9870 unlabeled wound images. Wound scoring utilized the EfficientNet Convolutional Neural Network on the augmented wound corpus. Results: Our proposed Semi-Supervised PMG EfficientNet (SS-PMG-EfficientNet) approach estimated all 8 PWAT sub-scores with classification accuracies and F1 scores of about 90% on average, and outperformed a comprehensive list of baseline models and had a 7% improvement over the prior state-of-the-art (without data augmentation). We also demonstrate that synthetic wound image generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) did not improve wound assessment. Conclusions: Semi-supervised learning on unlabeled wound images in a secondary dataset achieved impressive performance for deep learning-based wound grading.© 2024 The Authors.

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