
Beyond K-complex binary scoring during sleep: Probabilistic classification using deep learning.






K-complexes (KCs) are a recognized EEG marker of sensory-processing and a defining feature of sleep stage 2. KC frequency and morphology may also be reflective of sleep quality, aging and a range of sleep and sensory processing deficits. However, manual scoring of K-complexes is impractical, time-consuming and thus costly and currently not well-standardized. Although automated KC detection methods have been developed, performance and uptake remain limited.
The proposed algorithm is based on a deep neural network and Gaussian process, which gives the input waveform a probability of being a KC ranging from 0 to 100%. The algorithm was trained on half a million synthetic KCs derived from manually scored sleep stage 2 KCs from the Montreal archive of sleep study containing 19 healthy young participants. Algorithm performance was subsequently assessed on 700 independent recordings from the Cleveland Family Study using sleep stage 2 and 3 data.
The developed algorithm showed an F1 score (a measure of binary classification accuracy) of 0.78 and thus outperforms currently available KC scoring algorithms with F1 = 0.2-0.6. The probabilistic approach also captured expected variability in KC shape and amplitude within individuals and across age groups.
An automated probabilistic KC classification is well suited and effective for systematic KC detection for a more in-depth exploration of potential relationships between KCs during sleep and clinical outcomes such as health impacts and daytime symptomatology.
© Sleep Research Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail [email protected].

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