
ATOMMIC: An Advanced Toolbox for Multitask Medical Imaging Consistency to facilitate Artificial Intelligence applications from acquisition to analysis in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.






Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) along the acquisition and processing chain. Advanced AI frameworks have been applied in various successive tasks, such as image reconstruction, quantitative parameter map estimation, and image segmentation. However, existing frameworks are often designed to perform tasks independently of each other or are focused on specific models or single datasets, limiting generalization. This work introduces the Advanced Toolbox for Multitask Medical Imaging Consistency (ATOMMIC), a novel open-source toolbox that streamlines AI applications for accelerated MRI reconstruction and analysis. ATOMMIC implements several tasks using deep learning (DL) models and enables MultiTask Learning (MTL) to perform related tasks in an integrated manner, targeting generalization in the MRI domain.We conducted a comprehensive literature review and analyzed 12,479 GitHub repositories to assess the current landscape of AI frameworks for MRI. Subsequently, we demonstrate how ATOMMIC standardizes workflows and improves data interoperability, enabling effective benchmarking of various DL models across MRI tasks and datasets. To showcase ATOMMIC’s capabilities, we evaluated twenty-five DL models on eight publicly available datasets, focusing on accelerated MRI reconstruction, segmentation, quantitative parameter map estimation, and joint accelerated MRI reconstruction and segmentation using MTL.ATOMMIC’s high-performance training and testing capabilities, utilizing multiple GPUs and mixed precision support, enable efficient benchmarking of multiple models across various tasks. The framework’s modular architecture implements each task through a collection of data loaders, models, loss functions, evaluation metrics, and pre-processing transformations, facilitating seamless integration of new tasks, datasets, and models. Our findings demonstrate that ATOMMIC supports MTL for multiple MRI tasks with harmonized complex-valued and real-valued data support while maintaining active development and documentation. Task-specific evaluations demonstrate that physics-based models outperform other approaches in reconstructing highly accelerated acquisitions. These high-quality reconstruction models also show superior accuracy in estimating quantitative parameter maps. Furthermore, when combining high-performing reconstruction models with robust segmentation networks through MTL, performance is improved in both tasks.ATOMMIC advances MRI reconstruction and analysis by leveraging MTL and ensuring consistency across tasks, models, and datasets. This comprehensive framework serves as a versatile platform for researchers to use existing AI methods and develop new approaches in medical imaging.Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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