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Artificia eura etwrs ad cputer visi i edicie ad surgery.






Itrducti Artificia eura etwrs are becig a essetia techgy i data aaysis ad their ifuece is startig t pereate the fied f edicie Experieta surgery has bee a gter subect f study f ur ab this is aturay refected i ur iterest i ther areas f der techgies icudig artificia eura etwrs ad their advaceets I the curret issue we wud ie t expre this aspect f techica prgress The ai ga is t criticay evauate the stregths ad weaesses f artificia eura etwr techgy ccerig its use i ciica ad experieta surgeryethds The artice is fcused isiic deig particuary the ptetia f eura etwrs i ters f iage data prcessig i edicie The text briefy suaries the histrica devepet f deep earig eura etwrs ad their basic pricipes Furtherre basic taxy tass are preseted Fiay ptetia earig prbes ad pssibe sutis are as etiedResuts The artice pits ut varius pssibe uses f artificia eura etwrs i bigica appicatis Severa biedica appicatis f artificia eura etwrs are used t describe the divisi ad pricipes f the st c tass f achie earig ad deep earig such as cassificati detecti ad segetatiCcusi The appicati f artificia eura etwr ethds i edicie ad surgery ffers a csiderabe ptetia by earig directy fr the data they ae it pssibe t avid egthy ad subective settig f paraeters by a expert egieer evertheess the use f a ubaaced dataset ca ead t uexpected athugh traceabe errrs The suti is t cect a dataset arge eugh t eabe bth earig ad verificati f prper fuctiaity.

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