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AniAMPpred: artificial intelligence guided discovery of novel antimicrobial peptides in animal kingdom.






With advancements in genomics, there has been substantial reduction in the cost and time of genome sequencing and has resulted in lot of data in genome databases. Antimicrobial host defense proteins provide protection against invading microbes. But confirming the antimicrobial function of host proteins by wet-lab experiments is expensive and time consuming. Therefore, there is a need to develop an in silico tool to identify the antimicrobial function of proteins. In the current study, we developed a model AniAMPpred by considering all the available antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of length $\in $[10 200] from the animal kingdom. The model utilizes a support vector machine algorithm with deep learning-based features and identifies probable antimicrobial proteins (PAPs) in the genome of animals. The results show that our proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art classifiers, has very high confidence in its predictions, is not biased and can classify both AMPs and non-AMPs for a diverse peptide length with high accuracy. By utilizing AniAMPpred, we identified 436 PAPs in the genome of Helobdella robusta. To further confirm the functional activity of PAPs, we performed BLAST analysis against known AMPs. On detailed analysis of five selected PAPs, we could observe their similarity with antimicrobial proteins of several animal species. Thus, our proposed model can help the researchers identify PAPs in the genome of animals and provide insight into the functional identity of different proteins. An online prediction server is also developed based on the proposed approach, which is freely accessible at https://aniamppred.anvil.app/.© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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