
A sequence-based deep learning approach to predict CTCF-mediated chromatin loop.






Three-dimensional (3D) architecture of the chromosomes is of crucial importance for transcription regulation and DNA replication. Various high-throughput chromosome conformation capture-based methods have revealed that CTCF-mediated chromatin loops are a major component of 3D architecture. However, CTCF-mediated chromatin loops are cell type specific, and most chromatin interaction capture techniques are time-consuming and labor-intensive, which restricts their usage on a very large number of cell types. Genomic sequence-based computational models are sophisticated enough to capture important features of chromatin architecture and help to identify chromatin loops. In this work, we develop Deep-loop, a convolutional neural network model, to integrate k-tuple nucleotide frequency component, nucleotide pair spectrum encoding, position conservation, position scoring function and natural vector features for the prediction of chromatin loops. By a series of examination based on cross-validation, Deep-loop shows excellent performance in the identification of the chromatin loops from different cell types. The source code of Deep-loop is freely available at the repository https://github.com/linDing-group/Deep-loop.
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