
A novel multichannel deep learning model for fast denoising of Monte Carlo dose calculations: preclinical applications.






Objective.In preclinical radiotherapy with kilovolt (kV) x-ray beams, accurate treatment planning is needed to improve the translation potential to clinical trials. Monte Carlo based radiation transport simulations are the gold standard to calculate the absorbed dose distribution in external beam radiotherapy. However, these simulations are notorious for their long computation time, causing a bottleneck in the workflow. Previous studies have used deep learning models to speed up these simulations for clinical megavolt (MV) beams. For kV beams, dose distributions are more affected by tissue type than for MV beams, leading to steep dose gradients. This study aims to speed up preclinical kV dose simulations by proposing a novel deep learning pipeline.Approach.A deep learning model is proposed that denoises low precision (∼106simulated particles) dose distributions to produce high precision (109simulated particles) dose distributions. To effectively denoise the steep dose gradients in preclinical kV dose distributions, the model uses the novel approach to use the low precision Monte Carlo dose calculation as well as the Monte Carlo uncertainty (MCU) map and the mass density map as additional input channels. The model was trained on a large synthetic dataset and tested on a real dataset with a different data distribution. To keep model inference time to a minimum, a novel method for inference optimization was developed as well.Main results.The proposed model provides dose distributions which achieve a median gamma pass rate (3%/0.3 mm) of 98% with a lower bound of 95% when compared to the high precision Monte Carlo dose distributions from the test set, which represents a different dataset distribution than the training set. Using the proposed model together with the novel inference optimization method, the total computation time was reduced from approximately 45 min to less than six seconds on average.Significance.This study presents the first model that can denoise preclinical kV instead of clinical MV Monte Carlo dose distributions. This was achieved by using the MCU and mass density maps as additional model inputs. Additionally, this study shows that training such a model on a synthetic dataset is not only a viable option, but even increases the generalization of the model compared to training on real data due to the sheer size and variety of the synthetic dataset. The application of this model will enable speeding up treatment plan optimization in the preclinical workflow.Creative Commons Attribution license.

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