A CNN Model for Semantic Person Part Segmentation with Capacity Optimization.






In this paper, a deep learning model with an optimal capacity is proposed to improve the performance of person part segmentation. Previous efforts in optimizing the capacity of a CNN model suffer from a lack of large datasets as well as the over-dependence on a single-modality CNN which is not effective in learning. We make several efforts in addressing these problems. Firstly, other datasets are utilized to train a CNN module for pre-processing image data and a segmentation performance improvement is achieved without a time-consuming annotation process. Secondly, we propose a novel way of integrating two complementary modules to enrich the feature representations for more reliable inferences. Thirdly, the factors to determine the capacity of a CNN model are studied and two novel methods are proposed to adjust (optimize) the capacity of a CNN to match it to the complexity of a task. The over-fitting and under-fitting problems are eased by using our methods. Experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning models with a better generalization ability and a lower computational complexity.

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