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Human monkeypox disease prediction using novel modified restricted Boltzmann machine-based equilibrium optimizer.






While the globe continues to struggle to recover from the devastation brought on by the COVID-19 virus’s extensive distribution, the recent worrying rise in human monkeypox outbreaks in several nations raises the possibility of a novel worldwide pandemic. The symptoms of human monkeypox resemble those of chickenpox and traditional measles, with a few subtle variations like the various kinds of skin blisters. A range of deep learning techniques have demonstrated encouraging results in image-oriented tumor cell, Covid-19 diagnosis, and skin disease prediction tasks. Hence, it becomes necessary to perform the prediction of the new monkeypox disease using deep learning techniques. In this paper, an image-oriented human monkeypox disease prediction is performed with the help of novel deep learning methodology. Initially, the data is gathered from the standard benchmark dataset called Monkeypox Skin Lesion Dataset. From the collected data, the pre-processing is accomplished using image resizing and image normalization as well as data augmentation techniques. These pre-processed images undergo the feature extraction that is performed by the Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) approach. The extracted features undergo the final prediction phase using the Modified Restricted Boltzmann Machine (MRBM), where the parameter tuning in RBM is accomplished by the nature inspired optimization algorithm referred to as Equilibrium Optimizer (EO), with the consideration of error minimization as the major objective function. Simulation findings demonstrate that the proposed model performed better than the remaining models at monkeypox prediction. The proposed MRBM-EO for the suggested human monkeypox disease prediction model in terms of RMSE is 75.68%, 70%, 60.87%, and 43.75% better than PSO-SVM, Xception-CBAM-Dense, ShuffleNet, and RBM respectively. Similarly, the proposed MRBM-EO for the suggested human monkeypox disease prediction model with respect to accuracy is 9.22%, 7.75%, 3.77%, and 10.90% better than PSO-SVM, Xception-CBAM-Dense, ShuffleNet, and RBM respectively.© 2024. The Author(s).

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