
Enhanced forecasting of chlorophyll-a concentration in coastal waters through integration of Fourier analysis and Transformer networks.






The accurate prediction of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration in coastal waters is essential to coastal economies and ecosystems as it serves as the key indicator of harmful algal blooms. Although powerful machine learning methods have made strides in forecasting chl-a concentrations, there remains a gap in effectively modeling the dynamic temporal patterns and dealing with data noise and unreliability. To wiggle out of quagmires, we introduce an innovative deep learning prediction model (termed ChloroFormer) by integrating Transformer networks with Fourier analysis within a decomposition architecture, utilizing coastal in-situ data from two distinct study areas. Our proposed model exhibits superior capabilities in capturing both short-term and middle-term dependency patterns in chl-a concentrations, surpassing the performance of six other deep learning models in multistep-ahead predictive accuracy. Particularly in scenarios involving extreme and frequent blooms, our proposed model shows exceptional predictive performance, especially in accurately forecasting peak chl-a concentrations. Further validation through Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests attests that our model not only replicates the actual dynamics of chl-a concentrations but also preserves the distribution of observation data, showcasing its robustness and reliability. The presented deep learning model addresses the critical need for accurate prediction on chl-a concentrations, facilitating the exploration of marine observations with complex dynamic temporal patterns, thereby supporting marine conservation and policy-making in coastal areas.Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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