
Unsupervised deep consistency learning adaptation network for cardiac cross-modality structural segmentation.






Deep neural networks have recently been succeessful in the field of medical image segmentation; however, they are typically subject to performance degradation problems when well-trained models are tested in another new domain with different data distributions. Given that annotated cross-domain images may inaccessible, unsupervised domain adaptation methods that transfer learnable information from annotated source domains to unannotated target domains with different distributions have attracted substantial attention. Many methods leverage image-level or pixel-level translation networks to align domain-invariant information and mitigate domain shift issues. However, These methods rarely perform well when there is a large domain gap. A new unsupervised deep consistency learning adaptation network, which adopts input space consistency learning and output space consistency learning to realize unsupervised domain adaptation and cardiac structural segmentation, is introduced in this paper The framework mainly includes a domain translation path and a cross-modality segmentation path. In domain translation path, a symmetric alignment generator network with attention to cross-modality features and anatomy is introduced to align bidirectional domain features. In the segmentation path, entropy map minimization, output probability map minimization and segmentation prediction minimization are leveraged to align the output space features. The model conducts supervised learning to extract source domain features and conducts unsupervised deep consistency learning to extract target domain features. Through experimental testing on two challenging cross-modality segmentation tasks, our method has robust performance compared to that of previous methods. Furthermore, ablation experiments are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of our framework.© 2023. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering.

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