
UKSSL: Underlying Knowledge Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Classification.






Goal: Deep learning techniques have made significant progress in medical image analysis. However, obtaining ground truth labels for unlabeled medical images is challenging as they often outnumber labeled images. Thus, training a high-performance model with limited labeled data has become a crucial challenge. Methods: This study introduces an underlying knowledge-based semi-supervised framework called UKSSL, consisting of two components: MedCLR extracts feature representations from the unlabeled dataset; UKMLP utilizes the representation and fine-tunes it with the limited labeled dataset to classify the medical images. Results: UKSSL evaluates on the LC25000 and BCCD datasets, using only 50% labeled data. It gets precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy of 98.9% on LC25000 and 94.3%, 94.5%, 94.3%, and 94.1% on BCCD, respectively. These results outperform other supervised-learning methods using 100% labeled data. Conclusions: The UKSSL can efficiently extract underlying knowledge from the unlabeled dataset and perform better using limited labeled medical images.© 2024 The Authors.

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