
Transfer Neural Trees: Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Beyond.






Heterogeneous domain adaptation (HDA) addresses the task of associating data not only across dissimilar domains but also described by different types of features. Inspired by the recent advances of neural networks and deep learning, we propose a deep leaning model of Transfer Neural Trees (TNT), which jointly solves cross-domain feature mapping, adaptation, and classification in a unified architecture. As the prediction layer in TNT, we introduce Transfer Neural Decision Forest (Transfer- NDF), which is able to learn the neurons in TNT for adaptation by stochastic pruning. In order to handle semi-supervised HDA, a unique embedding loss term is introduced to TNT for preserving prediction and structural consistency between labeled and unlabeled target-domain data. We further show that our TNT can be extended to zero shot learning for associating image and attribute data with promising performance. Finally, experiments on different classification tasks across features, datasets, and modalities would verify the effectiveness of our TNT.

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