
Towards a unified approach for unsupervised brain MRI Motion Artefact Detection with few shot Anomaly Detection.






Automated Motion Artefact Detection (MAD) in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a field of study that aims to automatically flag motion artefacts in order to prevent the requirement for a repeat scan. In this paper, we identify and tackle the three current challenges in the field of automated MAD; (1) reliance on fully-supervised training, meaning they require specific examples of Motion Artefacts (MA), (2) inconsistent use of benchmark datasets across different works and use of private datasets for testing and training of newly proposed MAD techniques and (3) a lack of sufficiently large datasets for MRI MAD. To address these challenges, we demonstrate how MAs can be identified by formulating the problem as an unsupervised Anomaly Detection (AD) task. We compare the performance of three State-of-the-Art AD algorithms DeepSVDD, Interpolated Gaussian Descriptor and FewSOME on two open-source Brain MRI datasets on the task of MAD and MA severity classification, with FewSOME achieving a MAD AUC >90% on both datasets and a Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient of 0.8 on the task of MA severity classification. These models are trained in the few shot setting, meaning large Brain MRI datasets are not required to build robust MAD algorithms. This work also sets a standard protocol for testing MAD algorithms on open-source benchmark datasets. In addition to addressing these challenges, we demonstrate how our proposed ‘anomaly-aware’ scoring function improves FewSOME’s MAD performance in the setting where one and two shots of the anomalous class are available for training. Code available at https://github.com/niamhbelton/Unsupervised-Brain-MRI-Motion-Artefact-Detection/.Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

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