
Toward Interpreting the Thermally Activated β Dynamics in Metallic Glass Using the Structural Constraint Neural Network.






It is crucial to unravel the structural factors influencing the dynamics of the amorphous solids. Deep learning aids in navigating these complexities, while transparency issues persist. Drawing inspiration from the successful application of prototype neural networks in image analysis, this study introduces a novel machine learning approach to address interpretability challenges in glassy research. Distinguishing from traditional machine learning models, the proposed neural network tries to learn distant structural motifs for solid-like atoms and liquid-like atoms. Such learned structural motifs constrain the underlying structural space and thus can serve as a breakthrough in explaining how structural differences impact dynamics. We further used the proposed model to explore the correlation between the local structure and activation energy in the CuZr alloys. Building upon this interpretable model, we demonstrated significant structural differences among atoms with different activation energies. Our interpretable model is a data-driven solution that provides a pathway to reveal the origin of structural heterogeneity in amorphous alloys.

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