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The detection of absence seizures using cross-frequency coupling analysis with a deep learning network.






High frequency oscillations are important novel biomarkers of epileptogenic tissue. The interaction of oscillations across different time scales is revealed as cross-frequency coupling (CFC) representing a high-order structure in the functional organization of brain rhythms. New artificial intelligence methods such as deep learning neural networks can provide powerful tools for automated analysis of EEG. Here we present a Stacked Sparse Autoencoder (SSAE) trained to recognize absence seizure activity based on the cross-frequency patterns within scalp EEG. We used EEG records from the Temple University Hospital database. Absence seizures (n = 94) from 12 patients were taken into analysis along with segments of background activity. Half of the records were selected randomly for network training and the second half were used for testing. Power-to-power coupling was calculated between all frequencies 2-120 Hz pairwise using the EEGLAB toolbox. The resulting CFC matrices were used as training or testing inputs to the autoencoder. The trained network was able to recognize background and seizure segments (not used in training) with a sensitivity of 96.3%, specificity of 99.8% and overall accuracy of 98.5%. Our results provide evidence that the SSAE neural networks can be used for automated detection of absence seizures within scalp EEG.

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