The Artificial Intelligence-Powered New Era in Pharmaceutical Research and Development: A Review.






Currently, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are gaining increased interest in many fields, particularly in pharmaceutical research and development, where they assist in decision-making in complex situations. Numerous research studies and advancements have demonstrated how these computational technologies are used in various pharmaceutical research and development aspects, including drug discovery, personalized medicine, drug formulation, optimization, predictions, drug interactions, pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics, quality control/quality assurance, and manufacturing processes. Using advanced modeling techniques, these computational technologies can enhance efficiency and accuracy, handle complex data, and facilitate novel discoveries within minutes. Furthermore, these technologies offer several advantages over conventional statistics. They allow for pattern recognition from complex datasets, and the models, typically developed from data-driven algorithms, can predict a given outcome (model output) from a set of features (model inputs). Additionally, this review discusses emerging trends and provides perspectives on the application of AI with quality by design (QbD) and the future role of AI in this field. Ethical and regulatory considerations associated with integrating AI into pharmaceutical technology were also examined. This review aims to offer insights to researchers, professionals, and others on the current state of AI applications in pharmaceutical research and development and their potential role in the future of research and the era of pharmaceutical Industry 4.0 and 5.0.© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

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