
Temporal Interpolation of Geostationary Satellite Imagery With Optical Flow.






Applications of satellite data in areas such as weather tracking and modeling, ecosystem monitoring, wildfire detection, and land-cover change are heavily dependent on the tradeoffs to spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions of observations. In weather tracking, high-frequency temporal observations are critical and used to improve forecasts, study severe events, and extract atmospheric motion, among others. However, while the current generation of geostationary (GEO) satellites has hemispheric coverage at 10-15-min intervals, higher temporal frequency observations are ideal for studying mesoscale severe weather events. In this work, we present a novel application of deep learning-based optical flow to temporal upsampling of GEO satellite imagery. We apply this technique to 16 bands of the GOES-R/Advanced Baseline Imager mesoscale dataset to temporally enhance full-disk hemispheric snapshots of different spatial resolutions from 10 to 1 min. Experiments show the effectiveness of task-specific optical flow and multiscale blocks for interpolating high-frequency severe weather events relative to bilinear and global optical flow baselines. Finally, we demonstrate strong performance in capturing variability during convective precipitation events.

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