Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Learning with Auxiliary Task.






Skin lesion segmentation is a primary step for skin lesion analysis, which can benefit the subsequent classification task. It is a challenging task since the boundaries of pigment regions may be fuzzy and the entire lesion may share a similar color. Prevalent deep learning methods for skin lesion segmentation make predictions by ensembling different convolutional neural networks (CNN), aggregating multi-scale information, or by multi-task learning framework. The main purpose of doing so is trying to make use of as much information as possible so as to make robust predictions. A multi-task learning framework has been proved to be beneficial for the skin lesion segmentation task, which is usually incorporated with the skin lesion classification task. However, multi-task learning requires extra labeling information which may not be available for the skin lesion images. In this paper, a novel CNN architecture using auxiliary information is proposed. Edge prediction, as an auxiliary task, is performed simultaneously with the segmentation task. A cross-connection layer module is proposed, where the intermediate feature maps of each task are fed into the subblocks of the other task which can implicitly guide the neural network to focus on the boundary region of the segmentation task. In addition, a multi-scale feature aggregation module is proposed, which makes use of features of different scales and enhances the performance of the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed method obtains a better performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods with a Jaccard Index (JA) of 79.46, Accuracy (ACC) of 94.32, SEN of 88.76 with only one integrated model, which can be learned in an end-to-end manner.

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