
Simulation-to-real generalization for deep-learning-based refraction-corrected ultrasound tomography image reconstruction.






The image reconstruction of ultrasound computed tomography is computationally expensive with conventional iterative methods. The fully learned direct deep learning reconstruction is promising to speed up the image reconstruction significantly. However, for direct reconstruction from measurement data, due to the lack of real labeled data, the neural network is usually trained on a simulation dataset and shows poor performance on real data because of the simulation-to-real gap.To improve the simulation-to-real generalization of neural networks, a series of strategies are developed including a Fourier-transform-integrated neural network, measurement-domain data augmentation methods and a self-supervised-learning-based patch-wise preprocessing neural network. Our strategies are evaluated on both the simulation dataset and real measurement datasets from two different prototype machines.The experimental results show that our deep learning methods help to improve the neural networks’ robustness against noise and the generalizability to real measurement data.Our methods prove that it is possible for neural networks to achieve superior performance to traditional iterative reconstruction algorithms in imaging quality and allow for real-time 2D-image reconstruction. This study helps pave the path for application of deep learning methods to practical ulrasound tomography image reconstruction based on simulation dataset.© 2022 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

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