
Semantic segmentation of autonomous driving scenes based on multi-scale adaptive attention mechanism.






Semantic segmentation is a crucial visual representation learning task for autonomous driving systems, as it enables the perception of surrounding objects and road conditions to ensure safe and efficient navigation.In this paper, we present a novel semantic segmentation approach for autonomous driving scenes using a Multi-Scale Adaptive Mechanism (MSAAM). The proposed method addresses the challenges associated with complex driving environments, including large-scale variations, occlusions, and diverse object appearances. Our MSAAM integrates multiple scale features and adaptively selects the most relevant features for precise segmentation. We introduce a novel attention module that incorporates spatial, channel-wise and scale-wise attention mechanisms to effectively enhance the discriminative power of features.The experimental results of the model on key objectives in the Cityscapes dataset are: ClassAvg:81.13, mIoU:71.46. The experimental results on comprehensive evaluation metrics are: AUROC:98.79, AP:68.46, FPR95:5.72. The experimental results in terms of computational cost are: GFLOPs:2117.01, Infer. Time (ms):61.06. All experimental results data are superior to the comparative method model.The proposed method achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art techniques on several benchmark datasets demonstrating its efficacy in addressing the challenges of autonomous driving scene understanding.Copyright © 2023 Liu, Zhang, Wang and Wang.

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