
SaB-Net: Self-attention backward network for gastric tumor segmentation in CT images.






Gastric cancer is a significant contributor to cancer-related fatalities globally. The automated segmentation of gastric tumors has the potential to analyze the medical condition of patients and enhance the likelihood of surgical treatment success. However, the development of an automatic solution is challenged by the heterogeneous intensity distribution of gastric tumors in computed tomography (CT) images, the low-intensity contrast between organs, and the high variability in the stomach shapes and gastric tumors in different patients. To address these challenges, we propose a self-attention backward network (SaB-Net) for gastric tumor segmentation (GTS) in CT images by introducing a self-attention backward layer (SaB-Layer) to feed the self-attention information learned at the deep layer back to the shallow layers. The SaB-Layer efficiently extracts tumor information from CT images and integrates the information into the network, thereby enhancing the network’s tumor segmentation ability. We employed datasets from two centers, one for model training and testing and the other for external validation. The model achieved dice scores of 0.8456 on the test set and 0.8068 on the external verification set. Moreover, we validated the model’s transfer learning ability on a publicly available liver cancer dataset, achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art liver cancer segmentation models recently developed. SaB-Net has strong potential for assisting in the clinical diagnosis of and therapy for gastric cancer. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/TyrionJ/SaB-Net.Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

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