
RNAglib: A python package for RNA 2.5D graphs.






RNA 3D architectures are stabilized by sophisticated networks of (non-canonical) base pair interactions, which can be conveniently encoded as multi-relational graphs and efficiently exploited by graph theoretical approaches and recent progresses in machine learning techniques. RNAglib is a library that eases the use of this representation, by providing clean data, methods to load it in machine learning pipelines and graph-based deep learning models suited for this representation. RNAglib also offers other utilities to model RNA with 2.5D graphs, such as drawing tools, comparison functions or baseline performances on RNA applications.The method is distributed as a pip package, RNAglib. The source code, data, and documentation is available at https://rnaglib.cs.mcgill.ca.© The Author(s) (2021). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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