
Research on Teaching Resource Recommendation Algorithm Based on Deep Learning and Cognitive Diagnosis.






With the increasing abundance of network teaching resources, the recommendation technology based on network is becoming more and more mature. There are differences in the effect of recommendation, which leads to great differences in the effect of recommendation algorithms for teaching resources. The existing teaching resource recommendation algorithm either takes insufficient consideration of the students’ personality characteristics, cannot well distinguish the students’ users through the students’ personality, and pushes the same teaching resources or considers the student user personality not sufficient and cannot well meet the individualized learning needs of students. Therefore, in view of the above problem, combining TDINA model by the user for the students to build cognitive diagnosis model, we put forward a model based on convolution (CUPMF) joint probability matrix decomposition method of teaching resources to recommend the method combined with the history of the students answer, cognitive ability, knowledge to master the situation, and forgetting effect factors. At the same time, CNN is used to deeply excavate the test question resources in the teaching resources, and the nonlinear transformation of the test question resources output by CNN is carried out to integrate them into the joint probability matrix decomposition model to predict students’ performance on the resources. Finally, the students’ knowledge mastery matrix obtained by TDINA model is combined to recommend corresponding teaching resources to students, so as to improve learning efficiency and help students improve their performance.Copyright © 2022 Fei Zhou.

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