Research on Assistant Diagnosis of Fundus Optic Neuropathy Based on Deep Learning.






The purpose of this study was to use the neural network to distinguish optic edema (ODE), and optic atrophy from normal fundus images and try to use visualization to explain the artificial intelligence methods.Three hundred and sixty-seven images of ODE, 206 images of optic atrophy, and 231 images of normal fundus were used, which were provided by two hospitals. A set of image preprocessing and data enhancement methods were created and a variety of different neural network models, such as VGG16, VGG19, Inception V3, and 50-layer Deep Residual Learning (ResNet50) were used. The accuracy, recall, F1-score, and ROC curve under different networks were analyzed to evaluate the performance of models. Besides, CAM (class activation mapping) was utilized to find the focus of neural network and visualization of neural network with feature fusion.Our image preprocessing and data enhancement method significantly improved the accuracy of model performance by about 10%. Among the networks, VGG16 had the best effect, as the accuracy of ODE, optic atrophy and normal fundus were 98, 90, and 95%, respectively. The macro-average and micro-average of VGG16 both reached 0.98. From CAM we can clearly find out that the focus area of the network is near the optic cup. From feature fusion images, we can find out the difference between the three types fundus images.Through image preprocessing, data enhancement, and neural network training, we applied artificial intelligence to identify ophthalmic diseases, acquired the focus area through CAM, and identified the difference between the three ophthalmic diseases through neural network middle layers visualization. With the help of assistant diagnosis, ophthalmologists can evaluate cases more precisely and more clearly.

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