
R2-DDI: relation-aware feature refinement for drug-drug interaction prediction.






Precisely predicting the drug-drug interaction (DDI) is an important application and host research topic in drug discovery, especially for avoiding the adverse effect when using drug combination treatment for patients. Nowadays, machine learning and deep learning methods have achieved great success in DDI prediction. However, we notice that most of the works ignore the importance of the relation type when building the DDI prediction models. In this work, we propose a novel R$^2$-DDI framework, which introduces a relation-aware feature refinement module for drug representation learning. The relation feature is integrated into drug representation and refined in the framework. With the refinement features, we also incorporate the consistency training method to regularize the multi-branch predictions for better generalization. Through extensive experiments and studies, we demonstrate our R$^2$-DDI approach can significantly improve the DDI prediction performance over multiple real-world datasets and settings, and our method shows better generalization ability with the help of the feature refinement design.© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected].

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