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Programmable Photonic Time Circuits for Highly Scalable Universal Unitaries.






Programmable photonic circuits (PPCs) have garnered substantial interest for their potential in facilitating deep learning accelerations and universal quantum computations. Although photonic computation using PPCs offers ultrafast operation, energy-efficient matrix calculations, and room-temperature quantum states, its poor scalability hinders integration. This challenge arises from the temporally one-shot operation of propagating light in conventional PPCs, resulting in a light-speed increase in device footprints. Here we propose the concept of programmable photonic time circuits, utilizing time-cycle-based computations analogous to gate cycling in the von Neumann architecture and quantum computation. Our building block is a reconfigurable SU(2) time gate, consisting of two resonators with tunable resonances, and coupled via time-coded dual-channel gauge fields. We demonstrate universal U(N) operations with high fidelity using an assembly of the SU(2) time gates, substantially improving scalability from O(N^{2}) to O(N) in terms of both the footprint and the number of gates. This result paves the way for PPC implementation in very large-scale integration.

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