Privacy-Preserving Deep Action Recognition: An Adversarial Learning Framework and A New Dataset.






We investigate privacy-preserving action recognition in deep learning, a problem with growing importance in smart camera applications. A novel adversarial training framework is formulated to learn an anonymization transform for input videos such that the trade-off between target utility task performance and the associated privacy budgets is explicitly optimized on the anonymized videos. Notably, the privacy budget, often defined and measured in task-driven contexts, cannot be reliably indicated using any single model performance, because strong protection of privacy should sustain against any malicious model that tries to steal private information. To tackle this problem, we propose two new optimization strategies of model restarting and model ensemble to achieve stronger universal privacy protection against any attacker models. Extensive experiments have been carried out and analyzed. On the other hand, given few public datasets available with both utility and privacy labels, the data-driven (supervised) learning cannot exert its full power on this task. To further address this dataset challenge, we have constructed a new dataset, termed PA-HMDB51, with both target task labels (action) and selected privacy attributes (gender, age, race, nudity, and relationship) annotated on a per-frame basis. This first-of-its-kind video dataset and evaluation protocol can greatly facilitate visual privacy research.

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