
Precise and efficient measurement of tibial slope on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): two novel autonomous pipelines by traditional and deep learning algorithms.






The measurement of posterior tibial slopes (PTS) can aid in the screening and prevention of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries and improve the success rate of some other knee surgeries. However, the circle method for measuring PTS on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans is challenging and time-consuming for most clinicians to implement in practice, despite being highly repeatable. Currently, there is no automated measurement scheme based on this method. To enhance measurement efficiency, consistency, and reduce errors resulting from manual measurements by physicians, this study proposes two novel, precise, and computationally efficient pipelines for autonomous measurement of PTS.The first pipeline employs traditional algorithms with experimental parameters to extract the tibial contour, detect adhesions, and then remove these adhesions from the extracted contour. A cyclic process is employed to adjust the parameters adaptively and generate a better binary image for the following tibial contour extraction step. The second pipeline utilizes deep learning models for classifying MRI slice images and segmenting tibial contours. The incorporation of deep learning models greatly simplifies the corresponding steps in pipeline 1.To evaluate the practical performance of the proposed pipelines, doctors utilized MRI images from 20 patients. The success rates of pipeline 1 for central, medial, and lateral slices were 85%, 100%, and 90%, respectively, while pipeline 2 achieved success rates of 100%, 100%, and 95%. Compared to the 10 minutes required for manual measurement, our automated methods enable doctors to measure PTS within 10 seconds.These evaluation results validate that the proposed pipelines are highly reliable and effective. Employing these tools can effectively prevent medical practitioners from being burdened by monotonous and repetitive manual measurement procedures, thereby enhancing both the precision and efficiency. Additionally, this tool holds the potential to contribute to the researches regarding the significance of PTS, particularly those demanding extensive and precise PTS measurement outcomes.2024 Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. All rights reserved.

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