
Portable Deep Learning Singlet Microscope.






Having the least lenses, the significant feature of the singlet imaging system, helps the development of the portable and cost-effective microscopes. A novel method of monochromatic/color singlet microscopy, which is combined with only one aspheric lens and deep learning computational imaging technology, is proposed in this manuscript. The designed singlet aspheric lens is an approximate linear signal system, which means modulation-transfer-function curves on all field-of-views (5mm diagonally) are almost coincident with each other. The purpose of the designed linear signal system is to further improve the resolution of our microscope by using deep learning algorithm. As a proof of concept, we designed a singlet microscopy based on our method, which weighs only 400 grams. The experimental data and results of the sample USAF-1951 target and bio-sample (the Equisetum-arvense Strobile L.S), prove that the performance of the proposed singlet microscope is competitive to a commercial microscope with the 4X/NA0.1 objective lens. We believe that our idea and method would guide to design more cost-effective and powerful singlet imaging system. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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