
PolypNextLSTM: a lightweight and fast polyp video segmentation network using ConvNext and ConvLSTM.






Commonly employed in polyp segmentation, single-image UNet architectures lack the temporal insight clinicians gain from video data in diagnosing polyps. To mirror clinical practices more faithfully, our proposed solution, PolypNextLSTM, leverages video-based deep learning, harnessing temporal information for superior segmentation performance with least parameter overhead, making it possibly suitable for edge devices.PolypNextLSTM employs a UNet-like structure with ConvNext-Tiny as its backbone, strategically omitting the last two layers to reduce parameter overhead. Our temporal fusion module, a Convolutional Long Short Term Memory (ConvLSTM), effectively exploits temporal features. Our primary novelty lies in PolypNextLSTM, which stands out as the leanest in parameters and the fastest model, surpassing the performance of five state-of-the-art image and video-based deep learning models. The evaluation of the SUN-SEG dataset spans easy-to-detect and hard-to-detect polyp scenarios, along with videos containing challenging artefacts like fast motion and occlusion.Comparison against 5 image-based and 5 video-based models demonstrates PolypNextLSTM’s superiority, achieving a Dice score of 0.7898 on the hard-to-detect polyp test set, surpassing image-based PraNet (0.7519) and video-based PNS+ (0.7486). Notably, our model excels in videos featuring complex artefacts such as ghosting and occlusion.PolypNextLSTM, integrating pruned ConvNext-Tiny with ConvLSTM for temporal fusion, not only exhibits superior segmentation performance but also maintains the highest frames per speed among evaluated models. Code can be found here: https://github.com/mtec-tuhh/PolypNextLSTM .© 2024. The Author(s).

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