Pipeline comparisons of convolutional neural networks for structural connectomes: predicting sex across 3,152 participants.






With several initiatives well underway towards amassing large and high-quality population-based neuroimaging datasets, deep learning is set to push the boundaries of what is possible in classification and prediction in neuroimaging studies. This includes those that derive increasingly popular structural connectomes, which map out the connections (and their relative strengths) between brain regions. Here, we test different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models in a benchmark sex prediction task in a large sample of N=3,152 structural connectomes acquired from the UK Biobank, and compare results across different connectome processing choices. The best results (76.5% test accuracy) were achieved using Fractional Anisotropy (FA) weighted connectomes, without sparsification, and with a simple weight normalisation through division by the maximum FA value. We also confirm that for structural connectomes, a Graph CNN approach, the recently proposed BrainNetCNN, outperforms an image-based CNN.

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