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PIAA: Pre-imaging all-round assistant for digital radiography.






In radiography procedures, radiographers’ suboptimal positioning and exposure parameter settings may necessitate image retakes, subjecting patients to unnecessary ionizing radiation exposure. Reducing retakes is crucial to minimize patient X-ray exposure and conserve medical resources.We propose a Digital Radiography (DR) Pre-imaging All-round Assistant (PIAA) that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to enhance traditional DR.PIAA consists of an RGB-Depth (RGB-D) multi-camera array, an embedded computing platform, and multiple software components. It features an Adaptive RGB-D Image Acquisition (ARDIA) module that automatically selects the appropriate RGB camera based on the distance between the cameras and patients. It includes a 2.5D Selective Skeletal Keypoints Estimation (2.5D-SSKE) module that fuses depth information with 2D keypoints to estimate the pose of target body parts. Thirdly, it also uses a Domain expertise (DE) embedded Full-body Exposure Parameter Estimation (DFEPE) module that combines 2.5D-SSKE and DE to accurately estimate parameters for full-body DR views.Optimizes DR workflow, significantly enhancing operational efficiency. The average time required for positioning patients and preparing exposure parameters was reduced from 73 seconds to 8 seconds.PIAA shows significant promise for extension to full-body examinations.

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