
Patch-Based Semantic Segmentation for Detecting Arterioles and Venules in Epifluorescence Imagery.






Segmentation and quantification of microvasculature structures are the main steps toward studying microvasculature remodeling. The proposed patch based semantic architecture enables accurate segmentation for the challenging epifluorescence microscopy images. Our pixel-based fast semantic network trained on random patches from different epifluorescence images to learn how to discriminate between vessels versus nonvessels pixels. The proposed semantic vessel network (SVNet) relies on understanding the morphological structure of the thin vessels in the patches rather than considering the whole image as input to speed up the training process and to maintain the clarity of thin structures. Experimental results on our ovariectomized – ovary removed (OVX) – mice dura mater epifluorescence microscopy images shows promising results in both arteriole and venule part. We compared our results with different segmentation methods such as local, global thresholding, matched based filter approaches and related state of the art deep learning networks. Our overall accuracy (> 98%) outperforms all the methods including our previous work (VNet). [1].

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