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Optional anatomy and physiology e-learning resources: student access, learning approaches, and academic outcomes.






Anatomy and physiology interactive video clips were introduced into a blended learning environment, as an optional resource, and were accessed by ~50% of the cohort. Student feedback indicated that clips were engaging, assisted understanding of course content, and provided lecture support. Students could also access two other optional online resources, lecture capture recordings and an interactive atlas of anatomy, and individuals were tracked with respect to their access behavior, learning approach, and subject score. Deep learning was highest among those accessing the clips or atlas or those accessing more online resources, and thus self-regulatory skill development might be a useful approach to increase student access to optional online resources. Those who accessed clips, lecture capture recordings, or atlas achieved a significantly higher subject score than those who did not. When combinations of resources used were considered, we found an approximately linear relationship between number of resources accessed and subject score, with a 16% difference in score between those who accessed none or all of the resources. However, the low resource access rate suggests that academic advantage may not be simply due to the learning support offered by the resources. As students accessing the optional resources tended to be more self-regulated, it may be that it was the extra effort made with respect to other subject resources, rather than just the access to the online resources, that contributed to higher subject score. Further studies are required to establish the relationships between academic performance, optional online resource access, and deep learning.

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