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Optimized deep learning network for plant leaf disease segmentation and multi-classification using leaf images.






Automatic detection of plant diseases is very imperative for monitoring the plants because they are one of the major concerns in the agricultural sector. Continuous monitoring can combat diseases of plants, which contribute to production loss. In the global production of agricultural goods, the disease of plants plays a significant role and harms yield, resulting in losses for the economy, society, and environment. It seems like a difficult and time-consuming task to manually identify diseased symptoms on leaves. The majority of disease symptoms are reflected in plant leaves, but experts in laboratories spend a lot of money and time diagnosing them. The majority of the features, which affect crop superiority and amount are plant or crop diseases. Therefore, classification, segmentation, and recognition of contaminated symptoms at the starting phase of infection is indispensable. Precision agriculture employs a deep learning model to jointly address these issues. In this research, an efficient disease of plant leaf segmentation and plant leaf disease recognition model is introduced using an optimized deep learning technique. As a result, maximum testing accuracy of 94.69%, sensitivity of 95.58%, and specificity of 92.90% were attained by the optimized deep learning method.

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