Non-iterative learning machine for identifying CoViD19 using chest X-ray images.






CoViD19 is a novel disease which has created panic worldwide by infecting millions of people around the world. The last significant variant of this virus, called as omicron, contributed to majority of cases in the third wave across globe. Though lesser in severity as compared to its predecessor, the delta variant, this mutation has shown higher communicable rate. This novel virus with symptoms of pneumonia is dangerous as it is communicable and hence, has engulfed entire world in a very short span of time. With the help of machine learning techniques, entire process of detection can be automated so that direct contacts can be avoided. Therefore, in this paper, experimentation is performed on CoViD19 chest X-ray images using higher order statistics with iterative and non-iterative models. Higher order statistics provide a way of analyzing the disturbances in the chest X-ray images. The results obtained are quite good with 96.64% accuracy using a non-iterative model. For fast testing of the patients, non-iterative model is preferred because it has advantage over iterative model in terms of speed. Comparison with some of the available state-of-the-art methods and some iterative methods proves efficacy of the work.© 2022. The Author(s).

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