Natural language processing to convert unstructured COVID-19 chest-CT reports into structured reports.






Structured reporting has been demonstrated to increase report completeness and to reduce error rate, also enabling data mining of radiological reports. Still, structured reporting is perceived by radiologists as a fragmented reporting style, limiting their freedom of expression.A deep learning-based natural language processing method was developed to automatically convert unstructured COVID-19 chest CT reports into structured reports.Two hundred-two COVID-19 chest CT were retrospectively reviewed by two experienced radiologists, who wrote for each exam a free-form text radiological report and coherently filled the template provided by the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology, used as ground-truth. A semi-supervised convolutional neural network was implemented to extract 62 categorical variables from the report. Two iterations were carried-out, the first without fine-tuning, the second one performing a fine-tuning. The performance was measured using the mean accuracy and the F1 mean score. An error analysis was performed to identify errors entirely attributable to incorrect processing of the model.The algorithm achieved a mean accuracy of 93.7% and an F1 score 93.8% in the first iteration. Most of the errors were exclusively attributable to wrong inference (46%). In the second iteration the model achieved for both parameters 95,8% and percentage of errors attributable to wrong inference decreased to 26%.The convolutional neural network achieved an optimal performance in the automated conversion of free-form text into structured radiological reports, overcoming all the limitation attributed to structured reporting and finally paving the way for data mining of radiological report.© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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