
MSDRP: a deep learning model based on multi-source data for predicting drug response.






Cancer heterogeneity drastically affects cancer therapeutic outcomes. Predicting drug response in vitro is expected to help formulate personalized therapy regimens. In recent years, several computational models based on machine learning and deep learning have been proposed to predict drug response in vitro. However, most of these methods capture drug features based on a single drug description (e.g., drug structure), without considering the relationships between drugs and biological entities (e.g., target, diseases and side effects). Moreover, most of these methods collect features separately for drugs and cell lines but fail to consider the pairwise interactions between drugs and cell lines.In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework, named MSDRP for drug response prediction. MSDRP uses an interaction module to capture interactions between drugs and cell lines, and integrates multiple associations/interactions between drugs and biological entities through similarity network fusion (SNF) algorithms, outperforming some state-of-the-art models in all performance measures for all experiments. The experimental results of de novo test and independent test demonstrate the excellent performance of our model for new drugs. Furthermore, several case studies illustrate the rationality for using feature vectors derived from drug similarity matrices from multi-source data to represent drugs and the interpretability of our model.The codes of MSDRP are available at https://github.com/xyzhang-10/MSDRP.© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.

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